The worry that had been plaguing me is gone. Somehow, sensations of peace and reassurance have taken its place and I feel confident that everything will be alright. I am resisting any urge to analyze the minute details of this shift because my mind has a way of reinserting worry when I allow it to dwell on things it doesn't understand. I know that the rest of me - my heart, body and spirit - perceives truth more easily than my mind does, so I am giving my attention to those and allowing my mind to rest and catch up.
Want to know what propelled me into this new space? What fount of meditative wisdom ushered in tranquility? was the complete meltdown I wrote about a few posts ago. That's right, a meltdown was the key to my freedom.
I got to the point where I was unwilling to pretend everything was alright and I opened up to my pain by giving it full expression. I cried, ranted, raged, and said exactly what I felt was true in that moment.
Instead of telling myself "It'll be okay" or something else meant to change my state, I said what I really believed: "I've wasted hundreds of thousands of dollars on education that isn't helping anyone and is putting immense strain on my life."
If I had dwelled on that last thought, I would have felt worse and worse because my brain would have reinforced my painful belief and the energy would have continued to swirl inside me. Instead, I gave the thought and its accompanying emotions full expression and guess what happened? The energy MOVED OUT of me.
Think of it this way: Imagine you are holding a balloon filled with air. You're holding the mouth of the balloon closed and becoming more and more upset about the air that's in the balloon - you want it out. You look at the balloon, visualize the air leaving it, beat it against a wall over and over again...nothing changes. Then, when you've had it, you yell, through your arms open wide and, without thinking, you open your hand. The balloon takes off, ejecting air as it spins and races through the air until finally, it comes to rest, empty. What had seemed impossible was achieved effortlessly once your grip opened up. That's what happened to me.
Living in a state of openness, rather than trying to control everything, I feel better and my business blossoms. It's happened many times before, but I forgot because I was so distracted by my failing attempts to control. Isn't that unnerving? We can so quickly forget the ease and get stuck in the yuck. But, luckily, it's just as quick to free ourselves from the yuck and breakthrough into ease.
Last week, I gave a presentation to the local chapter of SHRM, (Society for Human Resource Management). Afterwards, a woman sent me this email:
Thank you for such a wonderful presentation yesterday. I have my Master’s in HR Management, and have taken a complete course on conflict management. I got more out of your one hour presentation than that entire course.
How much do you charge to present that 1 hr session to a business? I would love to have my management team hear your presentation.
Thank you,
I am happy to be attracting new clients. And, even if new clients did not find me, I know that everything is alright. I am free from the yuck that was plaguing me, so anything is possible!