Monday, November 12, 2012

Looking into the mirror

I've been looking into the mirror of myself and wondering which reflections to believe, which reflections to transform.  I know that my power relies on the images I choose to believe, and my future will be shaped by them.

In the past, when I looked inside, I only saw images I wanted to change; nothing inside me looked good enough to my sight, and I gave my power away to people and things outside of myself that promised to make me worthy (of love, security, relationship, play).

Today, I know that when my internal mirror shows me an image I don't like or want to change, that's just a sign that my body, mind, heart or spirit is in need of love.  Today, I use my power to open up to love in every moment, beginning with love from me to me. That way, I have no need of others' validation and I am free to give and receive without fear.

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful sentiment! I love how you share with such openness and honesty.
