Monday, November 19, 2012

Is it okay to rest? Ask your body or heart first.

It's Thanksgiving week in the US and holiday time in many countries, which means that we should be busy all the time taking care of others, making sure our homes look perfect and ensuring that everyone is happy.  Right?  If we're tired, then that's a good sign that we're doing what we're supposed to, because 'tis the season for giving, not receiving.  Right?  And, if we're suffering, then we MUST be doing something right.  Right?  

Depending on your upbringing and how much time you spend looking outside yourself to assess your worth, you might believe everything I just wrote. I know I used to believe it. In fact, I used to feel guilty if I rested and I believed that if I was not suffering in some way, then I wasn't working hard enough. It's no wonder depression skyrockets during the holidays, is it? 

When we only pay attention to our thoughts, 
we can become driven by "shoulds" 
and disconnected from the joy in life.

If you feel exhausted or overwhelmed this week, you can open up to ease by trying one or more of the exercises below. I use them all the time to help me overcome the "shoulds.":

1.  Take a deep breath, let it out fully. Place your hand on the center of your chest and continue breathing deeply. When you're ready, ask yourself, "Is it okay for me to rest?" and then notice the first thing that comes to your mind. 

2.  Do your best to give your attention to the first response you notice when you ask, "Is it okay for me to rest?" The first thing that comes to your mind will be from your deeper truth. Right after that, your mind might jump in with the old messages, like "No, you can't rest." If that happens or if you start having anxious thoughts, just take another deep breath and repeat the question. 

3.  Pause for a moment and ask yourself, "What does it feel like to be in my skin right now?" If you notice that your body feels tired, consider lying down for 10 minutes. If lying down inspires anxiety, then consider stepping outside into the cool air or simply stretching your arms up and moving your body in some way that isn't work.

4.  Pause for a moment and ask yourself, "How does my heart feel right now?" Whatever the response is, you don't have to change it. Just giving your attention to your heart will open up a sense of ease, even if you feel like crying - let yourself cry because crying is one way that the body releases energy. 

5.  Pause for a moment and ask yourself, "What is the next right thing for me to do?" and then notice how the response that you get feels to you. 

I know there are lots of other great ways to open up to ease during the holiday season ~ please tell me what works for you in the comment section.  And, remember: 

You are enough, just are you are!

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